Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

March 7, 2024

Empowering Women: Inside Our Women's ERG Program

In honor of Women in Construction Week, we are happy to shine a light on our Women’s Employee Resource Group (ERG), a forum for women that fosters connection, mentorship, and helping each other reach professional goals.

The Stacy Witbeck/Modern Railway Systems Women’s ERG was established to cultivate an inclusive environment that supports and encourages women to advance their skills and leadership potential through collaboration and discussion.

Over the past two years, our Women’s ERG has focused its efforts on goals aimed at supporting this mission:

- Provide a forum for women of our company to meet, form relationships, and foster an internal network that can serve as a resource in navigating career development.

Identify and discuss challenges encountered by women in the construction industry.

Seek out opportunities to improve our work environments.

Foster the advancement of women within our companies and promote employment opportunities for women.

Provide informal mentorship.

We hosted 10 sessions in 2023, inviting internal and external speakers to discuss topics that are aligned with our mission statement and objectives. This included leadership development, technical discussions, and personal and well-being support.

For the coming year, we would like to incorporate more interactive sessions that would allow women to network and build relationships across the country. We also look forward to providing opportunities for women to participate and make connections with various industry associations.

As we commemorate the achievements and milestones of our Women’s ERG, it’s essential to acknowledge the efforts and dedication of its members who continue to cultivate inclusivity in the construction industry.

Women in Construction Week is a great time to celebrate the many successes and contributions women have had in our industry, but we know these efforts aren’t limited to a single week out of the year. We plan on continuing to fulfill our mission statement to support and encourage women, and we are appreciative of your support this past year. We look forward to enhancing our efforts in 2024!