Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

November 19, 2019

Big Wins in Utah and Oregon!

Big Wins in Utah and Oregon!

Hats off to our Pursuit and Operations leaders and their teams for being successful proposers on UTA.'s Bus Rapid Transit job and TriMet's Red Line Extension Project. 

The team in Utah received a letter informing us that we were the successful bidder on the Ogden to Weber State Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) CM/GC project. This is our first true BRT project and represents a big win for our company. The project is for a 5.3-mile BRT from Ogden Station (which we partially constructed on the FrontRunner project) to Weber State University. 

In addition, we were informed by TriMet that we were the successful proposer on the MAX Red Line Extension and Reliability Improvements Project. Pre-construction should begin just after the first of the year, with construction from April 2021 through December 2023.
