Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

About the Project

This was a $369 million CM/GC project to construct 12 miles of light rail from downtown Denver to Golden (Jefferson County Justice Center). Work consisted of nine miles of ballasted double track, three miles of single track, 13 light rail bridges, three pedestrian bridges, two "top-down" tunnel structures, 600,000 sf. of retaining walls (both CIP and MSE), 12 stations, one parking structure, 21 at-grade crossings, 700,000 cy of excavation, and 250,000 cy of embankment. 

Project Awards:

AGC of America - Highway & Transportation New

ARTBA Transportation Development Foundations - Global Awards Program

Colorado Contractors Association - Improved Safety Record CAMPTO Platinum Award

Colorado Contractors Association - Zero Lost Time

IECA Mountain States Chapter - Project Excellence Award

Colorado Contractors Association - Environmental Excellence

Quick Facts


Denver, CO

Project Type

Bridges and Highways, Light Rail, Parks & Public Spaces

Delivery Method


Date Completed


Project Owner

Regional Transportation District (RTD)

Subsidiary Involvement

Modern Railway Systems




"Stacy Witbeck’s honesty and professionalism enabled us to develop a true working partnership.  That, in turn, enabled the work to flow smoothly while minimizing impacts on adjacent neighborhoods and the traveling public."

Engineering Specialist, City of Denver