Stacy Witbeck California CSLB #414305,2800 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502

About the Project

This is a CM/GC project for the construction of a three-mile streetcar system. The embedded double-track alignment borders the Arizona State University campus, running in-street from Rio Salado Parkway down Apache Boulevard with a single-track loop around Mill Avenue and the downtown district. 

The project includes two crossings of the existing light rail line and a tie-in to the light rail at the southern terminus. The project is being constructed on roadways with high volumes of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and includes interfaces with the operating light rail system.

Quick Facts


Tempe, AZ

Project Type

Light Rail

Delivery Method


Date Completed


Project Owner

Valley Metro

Subsidiary Involvement

Modern Railway Systems




"We closed northbound Mill Avenue (one of the busiest streets around ASU) for the entire summer, and I did not receive one complaint.  In fact, when it was over, I was reading a local blog on how painless the whole closure was, thanks to Stacy Witbeck's impeccable management of the process."

CEO, Valley Metro